Friday 4 April 2014

An embarrassing situation with a banana.

I am on a health kick presently and that means eating fruit.

Today, I was due a visit from a very senior person at Microsoft and here is the sequence of events.

I asked someone to collect him at reception and bring him to my office and thought I'd just have time to eat a banana.

So I peeled it over my rubbish bin only to discover that I had nowhere to put the banana on my desk.

So I carefully placed the banana, in the bin but directly on top of the banana skin.

I placed a napkin on my desk, wiped my hands and, as he in the company of the person sent to collect him entered my office, I was extracting the banana from the bin and chomping on it.

He had the good grace to look the other way, the attendant sniggered.

Bloody hell, now he thinks I am a right chav!

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