Friday 4 April 2014

The cloud is not the answer, if you do not know what the question is!

I have been in it for 33 years and have always done battle with people who insist of using buzzwords and people who brandish new products as solutions.

I always ask what’s the problem you are trying to solve and then let’s look about and find the most appropriate solution. Appropriate is the right word as best often means most expensive and that is not always possible.

Right now the buzz phrase is “The Cloud”.

Maybe it’s because I been in IT for so long, and have seen so many fads come and go, but the cloud is starting to piss me off.

So recently I challenged a group of bright IT and business people with the question: What is the Cloud and what problem does it solve.

I was frankly shocked at the response I got and not the least surprised when the answers focused mostly on how shiny, brilliant and new the Cloud is and how stupid one must be not to be having some of it.

Well, I am here to tell you that the Cloud is not new; it’s been around for years and years.

Furthermore, and maybe I’ll go down in history as a luddite because I am fixated on the problem and not the solution, but I still want to know “what problem do you have that you think “the cloud” (even though you can’t articulate what it is) fixes?

Imagine going to the doctor and stating, I am feeling a little unwell, I have no idea what’s wrong with me, but if you give me some pills, any pills will do, then I’ll be fine!

Madness, total bloody madness.

However, it is keeping a lot of third rate consulting firms in nice new BMW cars, and that is good because it keeps them out of my office where they are most unwelcome.

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