Friday 4 April 2014

Are you alright Mr. Foldy?

This will be my last "Tesco in Larkfield" related post unless something out of this world happens.

I think they really have sacked Basil Fawlty as their manager and employed someone with retail experience and someone who actually does think the customer is the most important thing.

Today I shopped, spent in the region of £250 and had quite a few bottles of beer and wine - we have people coming for dinner tonight.

I loaded the belt with my stuff and the woman asked, would like some boxes to put the wine in?

Yes I would I said and expected the usual malarkey where having offered, she actually has no wine carriers and we start of a Whitehall farce to find them.

Oh no, not a bloody bit of it, she merely popped out from her seat in front of the till, got me three proper wine boxes and then having swiped them, loaded the beer and wine into them! And she gave me loads of bags.

Prior to this, at the meat counter, I needed a shoulder of lamb (for the tagine) and a fillet steak joint for the BBQ tomorrow.

The butcher, and to be fair he in normally good anyway, was good, like a real butcher, offered me choices of steak joints and recommended the one he thought to be better.

Now, I will say, and to remember Williams Holdings you have to be quite old, but there are a lot of sinister looking management hanging around Tesco Larkfield at present, dressed up as staff but clearly not staff. Williams Holdings used to send the management thugs in black BMWs into every company they purchased in order to kick it into line.

It feels rather like that.

However, do I care? No I do not, I am merely happy that for now at least my shopping experience at Tesco makes me feel like a valued customer.

Perhaps Tesco could loan the management thugs they have on site to BA??

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