Sunday 6 April 2014

Tesco - you complete and utter berks.

You'll all know that I am not best enamoured with my local Tesco, it would appear to me to be the commercial equivalent of a diplomatic posting to Outer Mongolia - that is a punishment.

But the numpties running the place have a new and even worse than before way of making our lives a misery.

For months now, an outfit called Crystal have had a stand just at the end of the checkouts and just before the exit where a a variety of nylon clad individuals try to engage you in a conversation  regarding buying double glazing, soffits and fascias etc. They basically shout at you and threaten you with a brochure.

So I have a couple of issues here:

1. Who is their right fucking mind, pops into Tesco for two beers, a loaf of bread and some green beans and then thinks, you know what, I could do with some new windows! Who??
2. How to the nylon clad numpties think I can take their brochure with hands full of Tesco carrier bags. How??
3. Why do Crystal persist as I have never seen ANYONR even stops and talk to these people - if we've been shopping and have bags/trollies of shopping, we do not want to sop and spend £10k on windows.

Last weekend Tesco went one further and filled the space in between the inside and outside doors with yobbos in cheap suits trying to flog a TV service. I say yobbos as these gits, all less than 20 and all more mouthy that Mrs Mouthy from Mouthy City were essentially physically standing in peoples way and shouting at them!

Needless to say I told them where to get off, but surely the buffoons that run Tesco as a whole and Tesco Larkfield in particular must know how shitty this makes the place to shop at?

Tesco, for long long the darling of the retail sector have for some while now been scraping the bottom of the barrel, this is a new low!

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