Saturday 5 April 2014

Is it better to tax evade or scrounge?

A lot of fuss has been made recently about people who evade tax and corporations that do so.

The truth is that because our tax system allows it, people exploit it.

I am not saying that this is correct, but it is inevitable.

Personally, given their sinister world domination routine and the fact that they pay very little UK tax, Starbucks have seen the last of me.

However, the point of this blog is to ask, and then of course as it is me, answer, the very simple question.

Q: Who is worse, people who "work for cash" - for example builders, Bosnians, IT Consultants, or people who scrounge off of the state.

A: It's bleeding obvious. If this government would only sort of the stupidly high taxation regime we got lumbered with by Ed Balls and his cohort of suicidal, envy driven and totally loopy economists, more people would pay the tax due.

But when a Bosnian cleans my car for a tenner, which in the name of all that is sane, should he give £2 or the £10 to the exchequer who will then hand it to the slag of a daughter of my next door neighbour who has three kids and has never worked a day in her scabby little life?

It really makes me sick that this country has a habit of sticking the boot into people who are just trying to stand on their own two feet and to provide for themselves and their families, when putty footing around the workshys in our society.

For all I know, the Bosnians that clean my car are illegal and pay no tax. This may be the case but let me tell you, they contribute a great deal more, in service to me, and the stuff that they buy, than my neighbour's daughter.

The Bosnians have it!

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