Friday 4 April 2014

Business Productivity Improvement suggestion.

For a month, ban PowerPoint in all forms.

PowerPoint would appear to me at least, to be the single most significant drain on resources in a company. Whether you are creating a PowerPoint to impose on someone else, or are a part of an audience being subjected to them, it's a drain.

It used to be said "a picture paints a thousand words", so just imagine what a sixty slide PowerPoint contains!

PowerPoint is now used by the lazy and inarticulate geek to show off how much he/she knows about PowerPoint. Somewhere along the way we appear to have lost what the point is, the point is to inform, not to bore!

I see people the world over refining their presentations, printing them out, binding them and then handing them over like they contain the meaning of life. Bullshit, what they contain is a half-arsed collection of stolen images and half-truths.

For a long time I have refused to let suppliers even open their notebooks so that they can show me how stupid they are, I would recommend it to you.

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