Saturday 5 April 2014

CityLink - a logistics company or a complete bloody shambles staffed by liars and incompetents - you decide.

Daughter number one finally has her date for moving out of the house so I went online to buy some boxes and packing material from this lot: 

The website was good, the prices good and the promise of delivery the next day was exactly what I needed.

The only fly in the ointment with the mad4boxes people is that they chose City Link to "deliver" my goods.

In my order, mad4boxes threw in some free boxes, and that was both a great idea and very welcome. So in fact my order was despatched as two packages (both well wrapped in heavy duty clear plastic).

As instructed by the liars at City Link, who said my parcel would be delivered on the 20th July before 17:30, I stayed in.

Moreover, so did my wife and as such, when we are both in, the dog, Dolly the Cockapoo, usually kips in the porch. Thus is it impossible for anyone to even get onto our drive without much barking, let alone push something through the letterbox.

All day long, nothing. Now I was not concerned about this as we live about 1 mile from the den of thieves aka the City Link depot so I figured I may well be the last call.

At 17:33, I looked online and was somewhat stunned to see the website declare that they'd tried to deliver at 12:10 but to no avail and had thus shoved a card through the letterbox.

This card would contain all of the data I needed to effect a collection.

I challenged my wife, had she heard anything/seen a card? Nope!

I inspected the porch area and dog's mouth for evidence of an eaten card, nothing!

So I called City Link helpline. You'll start to understand why I think of City Link as liars as first off they claim to be a delivery company, they are most clearly not that, and second off they claim to have a help line - they do not!

On a Friday evening, I spent 45 minutes hanging on the line before the phone was answered.

Having run call centres and knowing how these things work there are only two conclusions to be drawn here:

1. The call centre management are inept and should be sacked.
2. So many parcels go missing, the call centre can't cope. In which case the Head of "Delivery" and the call centre manager should be sacked.

So I got the phone answered and had the usual barely credible call that often takes place with a call centre operative.

It started with his confident declaration that they had tried to deliver and in fact it was my fault for being a hapless cretin and not being in.

I shared with him the wife and dog routine at which he even more happily declared he could trump that by sending me a picture of my house proving that the driver had in fact been there.

So efficient are City Link at providing excuses that all of this happened in minutes - if only they could be so efficient in getting the stuff delivered in the first place!

So, in seconds and email from "Bert Skok" - yes that was his name, arrived, and guess what, not only was it not my house but the number of the house, clearly visible in the picture, is not even number eight!!!

So I then had a rather out of body chat with Bert who, having apologised, told me just to take the card into the depot the following day and I could get my stuff.

Two issues with this, first I ordered the stuff for delivery, and on the 20th as that is when I needed it, and second, I didn't have the card as either it never existed or they'd posted it through the letterbox to the wrong bloody house!

Bert then told me, don't worry, just turn up and it will all be fine, no doubt he was by now rather keen to get rid of me as City Link was in the wrong and not me. 

I had to insist he send me an email so I could take this to the depot the following day, which he did and we wished each other a spiffing evening.

At 08:02 on the 21st, I set out to collect my parcels.

At 08:07 I was standing in reception to the depot to be told by the boy in reception that I was awfully lucky as one of my parcels had only just arrived?

Only just arrived I said, there were supposed to be delivered yesterday!

No mate, was the only response I got.

Finally, having done most of their work for them, I had my parcels.

Attached below I have the screen shot of the City Link delivery website that contains a pack of lies.

From this, you can see that in fact my two parcels were not sent together from their depot, there was clearly a cock up and they were sent separately.

The driver supposed to deliver, didn't and is both incompetent and a liar.

The website shows I was not in, not true! I was, as was my wife and the dog, what the website should show is that they tried to deliver to the wrong place.

The website shows that the product has been delivered! It was not, I had to collect it.

So the moral of this story is: if you use mad4boxes to buy, arrange for collection as they don't actually have a delivery service at all and if any website from which you buy in the future shows they use City Link, either don't buy from them, find out where your local City Link depot is as you will most certainly be visiting and make sure you have a couple of days to waste whilst you track down your order.

So to summarise: CityLink, world-class logistics company or bunch of lying useless numpties? I'll let you decide.

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