Saturday 5 April 2014

Celebrity Dunce Chucking.

I have an idea for a new reality TV programme featuring those loveable Geordie rogues Anton and Dec.

It's called Dunce Chucking and the offshoot will be called Celebrity Dunce Chucking.

8 Contestants are all placed sitting at a desk and given a simple (The Sun is the level at which I am looking) crossword to fill out.

The last contestant to complete the crossword is chucked off the top of a tower block (one less Sun reading dunce to worry about) by a chortling Anton and Dec who will make several jokes as the hapless cretin tumbles to his/her death.

This continues until the last of the losers is thrown off of the tall building and the winner is presented with a book - something like Janet and John's guide to not being a dead thick.

Like a lot of these programmes today, when the main effort has finished there is a follow up programme on another channel, this will feature the relatives of the chucked dunces being filmed whilst their now dead loved ones are being jettisoned.

An idea of the crossword questions to be completed? See below.
Something used by a cricketer to hit cricket balls, or something used by thugs to hit people they don't like? BAT
  • ·       Something furry and purry? CAT
  • ·       Not thin? FAT
  • ·       Something to wear on the head (clue, not a hoodie)? HAT
  • ·       Something in front of the door with Welcome written on it? MAT
  • ·       What Mike Reid used to say shortly before slapping his forehead (in Eastenders), clue - For Crying out loud xxx? PAT
  • ·       Roland? RAT
  • ·       Past participle of sit? SAT
  • ·       What chavs usually wear? TAT
  • ·       What chavs never pay nor declare? VAT

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