Saturday 5 April 2014

Tesco - even by your crap standards this take some beating.

Just did my shopping twice.

Loaded my old ladies trolley with stuff - not much as I only spent £40 and loaded it onto the conveyor.

I left about 18 inches between the lady in front's shopping and mine as I refuse to use the silly dividers.

The woman in front and I were the only people in this particular queue.

I was checking an email and whilst looking down I heard a rather brusque:

"Is this your shopping?" No excuse me, no introduction, nothing just a barked question. I didn't know she was speaking to me at first so didn't answer, so she repeated herself, shouting.

"I said, is this your shopping?"

Now, and I am proud of myself, and taking a leaf from Eddie Izzard who once said, until you have paid for shopping you have merely spent a while moving stuff about, quick as a flash I said:

"No" and walked away with my trolley.

I then did my shopping again and left her to have all of the first attempt taken away.

Tesco, your company is going down the shitter quicker than a big turd, when will you realise that it's a people game.

You've wrung as much as you can out of the supply chain, fucked the farmers and cheated the British public by feeding us horse instead of beef.

Unless you learn to value your customers, you will go the same way as BA and have to merge with some Spaniards, and as we know with 25% unemployment, the Spaniards are pretty crap at everything but football.

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